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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Double celebrations! Mothers Day and Hello There!

Hello all! Sorry terlambat nak update about my weekend. so, how's your weekend everyone?
Mine was superb! I'm enjoying my weekend. :) Excited and happy!

It's all happened on Sunday.

Early in the morning, my sister called up to wake me up. hehhehe.. *susah sangat nak bangun pagi*
we planned to celebrate Mother's Day with my beloved mother la kan.. We go for sushi buffet @MaiU Damansara Perdana. The food was good. and we all enjoyed it!

After sushi we went to Subang Parade to have a lil walk and spent time together. Yup! just the two of us!
As you guys knew, the weather are so freaking crazy HOT! So my mommy said, 'why don't we go somewhere with AC?' so that we can curi their aircond! :D yeah I know! macam kedekut je kan nak turn on Ac kat rumah. :p and yeah, we go jalan jalan laa..

Ok at the same time, I was waiting for my Mr.Fiance to arrive from Malacca! I'm so excited! It's been a long time we didn't get to see each other. I'm so missing HIM!! I really can't wait to see him!
After have a lil walk and chit chatting or gossiping with mommy, finally Mr.Fiance called! and tadaaa! sudah sampai katanye.. :D

I sent my mommy back home, and I straight away go meet Mr.Fiance! how excited!
So.. u guys know lah kan.. ber Dating sakan lah kami! we both go jalan jalan @curve and Eat! *omg! there goes my diet!* hehhe sorry drama lebih :p *

Ok that's all my story! That's why I called it Double celebration!

Mother's Day and Mr. Fiance came back! heeee :D

That's all peeps! Oh! picture kan? sorry lupe nak tranfer . I will update again later ya?

I hope your's was fun as mine too! take care all Lovelies! Till we meet again!



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anyone Craving for Macaroons??

Okay! now I'm craving for this!! anyone?? 

I will call up my babe to company me for this. yes?

where : Empire, Subang Jaya :)