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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

 You have that potential to melt me down n drown in u..but...I'm already taken..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hey You!

Hey You!

** Your words are hurting me, and I don't like it! **

Don't you think that we make a mistake?

How I wish,  we never met! 

Can we just like End this thing forever?! 

  ** Suffocating **

*** Suffering ***

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

tick! tock! tick! tock!~~~

   Oh hi there! lama sangat dah tinggalkan blog ni... agak serabut juga lately. 
Sedar tak sedar, almost kelewatan untuk membuat tempahan dan persiapan untuk next year..
Walaupun lagi setahun, tapi semuanye kena cepat sekarang ni. Everyone is going into it! ehehehe.. :)

   Banyak sangat nak buat. sempat ke tak ni? panic pun ye jugak! haish~ and plus kena buat semua  by myself alone.. Hmm.. harap2 semuanye sempat lah kan Insyaallah~ Doa kan ye?

  Akan saya senaraikan or buat checlist! Takut juga kalau ada yang tertinggal.. and.. kalau berkesempatan akan saya kongsi dengan y'alls k? i'm working on it. tunggu k?

   Okaylah! rase sampai sini dulu lah ye? Next time kite sambung lagi.. See u guys! take care.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mothers Day~

 Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ

"Rabbanaghfir Lii Wa Li Waalidayya Wa Lil Mu'miniina Yauma Yaquumul-hisaab"

"Ya Tuhan kami, berilah keampunan kepadaku dan kedua-dua ibu bapaku dan sekalian orang-orang mukmin pada hari terjadinya hisab (hari kiamat)”

"O Our Lord! forgive me, and my parents, and all the Muslims on the day when the account will be established."

heyya~ long time no see. ehehe... i cant keep up with a blog lah, too time consuming. seeing how blogging is like the "in" thing nowadays, i feel ashamed of my lil ol blog here..

oh yes! Mothers day just around the corner.. so.. what are u guys planning for your loved one?
For me, I guess, I will take my mommy and my granny to the restaurant and have a dinner with them kot.. I'm a bit tight of $$$$ actually.. lucky me I have some savings.. ehehehehe..

I still remember when i was young, little girl just being a little girl.. I'm so... cannot stay apart with my mom.. I know.. so mengade kan? yeah.. what ever you want to say. That's me! Not like my eldest sister, she is very independent and survivor! she can stay at our aunt house in weeks longer time.. but me, never! no if my mom not come along.. :p Tapi sekarang.. kalau takde lagi suke kan.. ish ish ... very bad of me..

How time flies, its like only yesterday kan? How I miss the day when i still cried looking for my mom when she's not around..  When i couldn't sleep at night she will come and talk to me and tell me her stories.. even tho it wasn't a bedtime stories.. eheheh... and yes, i still act like her little girl!

Now, I'm in the age of 20's. But, she still treating me as her little girl. she still call me if I'm late from work.. when i go out with friends.. even when I'm with my fiance... :D
(mom, I'm getting married soon!) 

Still mom.. I would love your company when i'm not in a good mood or sad..  you always the sunshine in my heart!

Looking back, she had sacrificed so many things for us.. and I wonder what have i sacrifice for her the whole entire life?? Even if i say, "yes i did sacrifice for her!" but, still not enuf.. (yes.not.enuf)

"Mommy, In this coming Mothers Day, I would like to wish you ;Happy Mothers Day'!! you're the greatest mothers in the whole world! * I Love you Mother!* I'm sorry if i ever hurt you..

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the wide world over.

~George Cooper~


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sangat Takde mood!~

Sorry, harini sangat takde MOOD! maybe kejap lagi kite sambung ber- blogging ok?
*Love y'alls!*

Sekadar ingin berkongsi~

Hello every body! Harini tak berapa banyak sangat kerja di ofis. Sebab tu la rajin sangat nak post sampai 2 entry harini.. Kata pun semangat nak ber-blogging kan.. Seperti selalu, Every day i will have this conversation with My baby Nur Ain via YM (jangan salah faham.. she is my bestie!) and we will share and update each other with everything! Hari ni terasa sangat istimewa sebab, dia ade share something which i don't know. So, here it is!

Ayat Kursi

“Allah hula ilaa ha illa huwal haiyul qoyyum. Lataq huzu sinatuu(dengung) wala naum. Lahu mafis samaa waa tiwama fil ard. Man(dengung) zal lazi yash fa’u indahu illa bi iznih. Ya’ lamu ma baina aidihim wama kholfahum. Wala yuhituna bisyai im min ilmih ila bima syak. Wasi akur siyuhus samaa waatiwal ard. Wala ya uduhu hifzuhum wahuwal aliyyul azim.” Al-Baqarah;255

*kalau ada dua “aa” maknanya 2 harakat ya sayang? J *


Allah, tidak ada tuhan selain Dia. Yang Maha Hidup, Yang terus menerus Mengurus(makhluk-Nya), tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Milik-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi. Tidak ada yang dapat member syafaat di sisi-Nya tanpa izin-Nya. Dia Mengetahui apa yang di hadapan mereka dan apa yang dibelakang mereka, dan mereka tidak mengetahui sesuatu apa pun tentang ilmu-Nya melainkan apa yang Dia Kehendaki. Kursi-Nya meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Dia tidak merasa berat Memelihara keduanya dan Dia Maha Tinggi, Maha Besar.


-Dalam Hadith Riwayat Nasai ada kata yang ayat kursi elok di baca selepas solat.

Ok! rasanya dah cukup buat masa ni untuk ber-blogging. Sebelum Boss perasan saya curi tulang! :p

Ok Love, gtg!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mencari Inspirasi~ ehem! :p

Hello semua! first time ber-blogging. Cuba mencari inspirasi untuk di isi dalam ruangan ini.
Mungkin tak banyak untuk untuk di kongsikan tapi I will try to share something good with you guys.

k thanks bye!